Despite that though we still have a lot more time on our hands than we have had in most of our marriage... especially since having kids. I could tell you that we are learning new things about each other every day but after 21 years of marriage, Ty and I know each other pretty well and there are really no surprises. So in the interest of killing time and being a little more creative we thought we might share with you some random (and admittedly, probably pretty useless) information about ourselves.
- When asked what we wanted to be when we grew up... Shell wanted to be a veterinarian and Ty wanted to be a pilot. (Obviously neither of those aspirations were pursued.)
- Something we do every morning... Ty wakes up slow and makes the statement that he could go back to bed and sleep for a few hours. Shell drinks coffee while chewing a piece of gum.
- Focus words for 2012: Shell is Purpose, Ty is Overcome.
- Activity of choice on a rainy day: Ty, read a book and drink some tea. Shell take a nap.
- Aside from hanging out with family... Ty prefers to be in the woods and Shell prefers to be running long or cycling far.
- Something Ty could eat everyday: meat. Something Shell could eat everyday: pizza.
- Other than being away from family... the hardest thing about being in Ukraine is: for Ty the language barrier for Shell it's a tie between the language barrier and not being able to run.
- One thing that we would like to get better at in 2012... Ty : listening. Shell : homeschooling.
- If I could have a super power it would be... Ty: time travel. Shell: read minds.
- Three things on our bucket lists are... Ty: diving in Grand Caymans, visit Africa, own a camp in the woods. Shell: Compete in Hawaii Ironman, learn to speak fluent Russian, Run an Ultra Marathon.
Kind of boring, I know... I guess we are in that part of a race where the excitement at the starting line has dissipated and the anticipation of the finish line still seems a long way off.
Thanks for your prayers!!!
I love you guys and miss you so much. Also Shell I did not learn anything new with this trivia. Can't wait to eat pizza and play dutch blitz with you! Ash