Welcome to the Wells Family Blog! We want to continue to share with you the amazing journey that God has called us to as we try to live ON PURPOSE and ON MISSION in a world that says to do otherwise.

If it seems that the blog is changing and "under construction" at times then it is just a reflection of our family life... We are working hard to find our "new normal", so please hang in there and keep checking back!

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Sunday, January 22, 2012

2 Days Down!

We awoke to another winter wonderland this morning... and  living in Florida, this is more of a treat than an inconvenience for us.  It has pretty much snowed non-stop for four days now, making it pretty slick on the roads and on the sidewalks.  So when Ty headed out this morning to take out our trash, I started to worry when he was not back after 10 minutes.  I had visions of him sprawled out on his back somewhere in the snow ... imagining that he had slipped on the ice and had seriously hurt his back and was unable to get up... yes my imagination can get away from me.

But upon looking out the window I saw that he had joined two of the young boys in shoveling the walkways, that needed to be cleared  for everyone to be able to get out to church.

I smiled to myself cause I knew that Ty was TOTALLY enjoying this and that the two boys were also very glad for his experienced-snow-shoveling help!

Yesterday we had a wonderful afternoon meeting Katya's and Mariana's Aunt Lena and her family.  Andrey, their brother and his girlfriend also joined us.  We met at a cozy and neatly decorated restaurant and shared a meal while we got to know each other.  Lena speaks English, beautifully so we had some great conversation.

Ty and I have felt that it has been such a gift to get to meet the girls' aunt, brother, and mother.  This does not usually happen in adoptions but has allowed us to fill in some of the gaps in our knowledge of our girls.  Our intention and hope is that we will all be able to keep in touch despite the great distance.  And I know that it is their family's desire as well.

Two days of our mandatory 10 day wait are now behind us!!!  The countdown continues...


  1. Brett totally wants to whip a snowball at Ty. It is hard for him to look at these pictures and not be able to even get a shot. Not fair...
