Welcome to the Wells Family Blog! We want to continue to share with you the amazing journey that God has called us to as we try to live ON PURPOSE and ON MISSION in a world that says to do otherwise.

If it seems that the blog is changing and "under construction" at times then it is just a reflection of our family life... We are working hard to find our "new normal", so please hang in there and keep checking back!

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Kyiv and Pertrivske

Well one week and one day has passed for us here in Ukraine.  Although we have not been at liberty to post all that has happened we are happy to report that everything is progressing forward, be it at the ever-so-slow Ukrainian way.  We hope soon to be able to share all of the progress here on our blog but for the meantime we wanted to show you some of the sights and sounds of the beautiful but complex city of Kyiv.  

I guess as most modern cities go there are many great contrasts all blended together.  Ty and I have found this to be true of Kyiv.  The center is as busy as any large city in the US, with people from all walks of life in a hurry to get somewhere.  It is a place that boasts some great wealth as evidenced by luxury cars such as Mercedes, BMW, Lexus and an occasional Bentley.  The people are beautiful by anyone's standards and many dress with runway style and it's accompanying expense.

However, alongside the financially fortunate are many who struggle to make ends meet in a country that has been hit harshly by the failing world economy.  You may wonder how that is any different than what we are facing in America, and especially the big cities.  For sure there are people suffering all around the globe.  I guess the difference with Ukraine as compared to America is that they already suffered under a severely poor and inadequate infrastructure, resulting in a downward spiral that may be considered much worse than what we face in the US.

Here Ty and I stand in front of the city on a typically cloudy and grey day.

A larger than life display at a mall called "Dream Town".  Just as nice as any mall you would find in the US.

Apartment complexes that are located right outside the mall.  The pictures make them look nicer.


Pertrivske is the small village just outside of Kyiv where in early 1996 Father's House was opened.  It's aim was to help the government to assist in saving a generation of homeless children.  It continues today to accomplish much for many children, who, through no fault of their own, find themselves on the street.  The staff at Father's House daily face intimidating circumstances and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, but by Faith and Self-less love continue on in the hope of always helping one more child.

The inviting Center at Father's House

The streets of Pertivske

1 comment:

  1. So thankful to know more of your story; it is fun to see so many familiar sites in your pictures. We will say a prayer for your process & time away from your kids at home.
