Welcome to the Wells Family Blog! We want to continue to share with you the amazing journey that God has called us to as we try to live ON PURPOSE and ON MISSION in a world that says to do otherwise.

If it seems that the blog is changing and "under construction" at times then it is just a reflection of our family life... We are working hard to find our "new normal", so please hang in there and keep checking back!

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Friday, December 2, 2011


Over 5 1/2 years ago Ty and I stood in front of this building which at the time was known as the NAC or National Adoption Center.  As snow began to gently fall we anxiously awaited a moment that would change our lives forever. 

At that much anticipated appointment God directed our steps to a little 18 month old boy in the Kharkov region of Ukraine.  And as most of you know the rest is history...

We may have thought at the time that it was the end of the story but Our God in heaven had other plans!

In His perfect timing we are being called to once again fly across the world for a life changing appointment.  On December 21st at 9am we will stand in front of the SDA which now handles Ukraine's adoptions and we will await our referral for the adoption of two very special sisters. 

To say that we are excited is probably the understatement of the year!

And if you imagine that we are maybe a little overwhelmed with the timing of it all you are absolutely correct!  But the priority for our family for a good part of this year has been to bring our girls home so we are praising God that we have been given a date to hopefully make that happen.

We covet your prayers at this time for so many things:

  • First and foremost for peace for the girls as this will be a monumental transition in their lives.
  • For traveling mercies for Ty and I.
  • For our kids and parents and extended family as they care for them in our absence.
  • That God's Hand would be in every moment of this next adventure in our lives.


  1. So very exciting! May God be glorified in this entire situation! Praising Him with you and bringing your requests before His throne.

  2. that is so exciting!! praying for you guys! you are such an inspiration! i love reading and following your journal! i hope one day omar and i can do international adoption :)
    praying for you and ty, the girls and your family <3
