Welcome to the Wells Family Blog! We want to continue to share with you the amazing journey that God has called us to as we try to live ON PURPOSE and ON MISSION in a world that says to do otherwise.

If it seems that the blog is changing and "under construction" at times then it is just a reflection of our family life... We are working hard to find our "new normal", so please hang in there and keep checking back!

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Father's Robe

Hi Guys!  It's Kenzie and I'm hijacking the blog :)

Last night I walked into my parent's bedroom and found my Dad purging some of his clothes (we are getting ready for a fund raising garage sale).  As I watched him go through his clothes in his closet I found an old memory.  "Your old robe!"  I exclaimed, grabbing it from its hanger.  It was a long paisley silk robe, a bit outdated and definitely a little big for me but I put it on anyways.  "You can keep it," my dad grinned as I wrapped it over my pajamas.  Throughout the rest of the night as I wore the robe, I was reminded of its part in my childhood memories.  I have a vivid picture in my mind of sneaking up to my dad in the early morning.  He would have his pjs and robe on and would be in the kitchen getting coffee or making an omelette.  I was probably about 4 years old and I would come up behind him and hide under his robe stretching my little arms around him as I gave him my tightest hug.  Giggling and tripping I would follow him around the house underneath his robe until he took it off.  Even though it is just a small memory of mine it is still precious to me.

 The warm and grateful feelings I got from this memory made me think of my Heavenly Father.  Psalm 91:4 says "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."  As a 4 year old hiding under my Daddy's robe I felt safe.  And no matter if I was having a good morning or a bad morning I still found myself clinging to my dad, under his robe, and giggling the whole time.  Whether we are going through good times in this life or hard times I know that I can take refuge under my Heavenly Father's "robe" and He will give me comfort and joy.
Thank you Lord for reminding me of this!


  1. Kenzie, What a sweet memory to have, and a perfect metaphor! I know you appreciate how blessed you are to have such a great dad. Keep sharing on the blog so we can know what's going on from your point of view. I like the way you write!! :)
    David Benzel

  2. Awesome post, Kenzie Girl! Another talented writer in the family! Every time I think you can't possibly impress/awe me anymore, you go and do something that causes my jaw to drop once again! You are wiser than your years and it is an honor to be your aunt! We are thrilled to be a part of this journey with you and can't wait to meet our new nieces!
