Welcome to the Wells Family Blog! We want to continue to share with you the amazing journey that God has called us to as we try to live ON PURPOSE and ON MISSION in a world that says to do otherwise.

If it seems that the blog is changing and "under construction" at times then it is just a reflection of our family life... We are working hard to find our "new normal", so please hang in there and keep checking back!

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Seeing Eyes!

With warmer weather, school finishing up and plans underway for hosting the girls... summertime is very much on our minds.  With that comes daily thoughts of going to the beach.  Our family loves the beach!  This has not always been the case.  For probably the first 18 years of living in Florida we rarely visited the beach.  When the kids were younger it just seemed like too much work.

But now it's all about boogie boards, exploring wildlife, suntans, and collecting seashells.

Now it feels like we need to make up for lost time!

I was talking to a friend the other day who was telling me about a lunch he had with someone who was asking some tough questions.  How come God doesn't reveal Himself?  Why does He remain so mysterious?  If He is a good God wouldn't He want to let everyone know He is there?  

Well I admit that God does work in mysterious ways but not reveal Himself?  Really?  

The rising and setting sun, day in and day out...

 The intricacies of a single flower...

The amazing ways that our bodies work and move....

The majesty of a mountain scape...

And finally... I've got to bring it back to the beach (and steal a line from a song)... "who tells the ocean, that it can only go this far?"...
Well that is enough said for me... but if you need more there are probably at least a bazillion more ways that God reveals Himself, every second of every day.  

LORD, open our eyes that we might see!

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